Marleen van der Sluijs
BIG-number: 19066126104
AGB-code: 04/112773
Specializations: next to my manual therapy specialization, I treat patients with rheumatic disorders at M-Visio and I maintain contacts with the Rheumatism Network. As manual therapist I also treat children with HCFS (formerly KISS/KIDD syndrome).
Career: In 2006 I graduated as a physiotherapist, after which I performed several observations. I started working at M-Visio in 2008. In my first years at M-Visio I followed the master manual therapy that I completed in 2010. In 2012 I completed the physiotherapy course for rheumatic disorders and in June 2017 the course for children's manual therapy. This is the specialization to treat babies and children with HCFS (formerly known as the KISS/KIDD syndrome).
For me M-Visio is: a nice workplace, because the team is pleasant to work with. At M-Visio I get encouraged to develop personally and as a therapist.
The passion for my work as therapist lies in: making contact with people and guide them during the recovery or help someone deal with the complaints. I think it is important to know that you can affect your own complaints.
In my spare time: I like to walk, swim and play tennis. I also like to meet up with friends and to travel.